
History of Catholic Youth Organisation of Nigeria

Youth associations in Nigeria can be traced to the early 1960’s with the emergence of such Youth bodies as: St. John Bosco Parish Youth club, Catholic Youth League, Young Christian Workers, and Young Christian Students (YCS). These flourished in Dioceses for a brief period and soon became ineffective for various reasons, except the YCS which continued to be active in Catholic boarding schools. The take over of voluntary agency schools by the government in the 1970’s reawakened the need to have associations to cater for the peculiar needs of young people, especially their moral and spiritual needs. At this point, there seemed to be emphasis on programs organized at the Diocesan level to the detriment of the parish.

In order to correct this flaw, Bishop Felix Alaba Job (now Emeritus Archbishop of Ibadan) championed a youth leadership training course, developed to train mature adults as youth leaders to direct the Catholic youth movement. Many people responded and attended the first youth leaders training course from October 1980 to April 1981. This acted as a catalyst in the formation of the Catholic Youth Organization in the province and the constitution of the Protem National Executive of the Catholic Youth, a fruit of the national meeting held in Benin in December 1983. The Benin meeting was the first move initiated by the youths, to nationally bring together the various parish and diocesan based Catholic Youth movements that existed in the Dioceses. This contributed immensely to the successful establishment of the “Catholic Youth Organization of Nigeria” CYON. The addition of ‘Nigeria’ to make it CYON thus makes it truly national.

In order to give it a proper ecclesiastical footing, the Bishop Chairman of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria (CBCN) Commission for the Laity His Lordship, Most Rev. Dr. A. Ilonu, set up a management committee of six youths and three Chaplains to guide the youths. The Committee was charged with: Preparing and presenting a draft constitution for ratification; Planning and organizing the National Catholic Youth Rally scheduled to take place at Ogoja from 28th August to 1st September 1985. The result was a massively attended Catholic Youth Rally during which the draft constitution of CYON was passed, and national officers elected. The CYON was thus finally accredited by the CBCN at Ogoja in 1985. (Culled from the Lagos Archdiocesan Policy)

Structure of CYON


Let your light shine


For God and for Youths – Through Christ

Parish General Meeting days:

Every 4th Sunday of the month.

CYON is a parish based, umbrella Organisation which brings together all Catholic young people, male and female, within the age bracket of 15- 35 years of age.

The Organisation affirms the place of youths in the Church’s life and promotes youth involvement in the work of evangelization. It outlines, promotes, directs and evolves network of support for youth initiatives as groups or as individuals for the development of the Church and the Society. In CYON, focus is always given to human development, youth empowerment and catechesis. The Patron Saint of CYON is St. Charles Lwanga.


St Peter Ejigbo CYON Current Excos

● President – Okeke Chibuzor Ephraim
● V. President – Emeka Nebeife
● Gen Secretary – Precious Mbah
● Asst Gen Secretary – Francis Obasi
● Financial Secretary – Azumiri Blessing
● PRO I – Harry Malemo
● PRO II – Daniel Akakabota
● D.O.S I – Maxwell Okeke
● D.O.S II – Henry Mbonu
● Welfare I – Emmanuella Igwe
● Welfare II – Moses Idowu
● Provost I – Samuel Okoro
● Provost II – Maryjane Ijezie
● Ex-officio I – Opara Daniel Chinah
● Ex-officio II – Maryjane Mbah

Other Activities
Youth Choir Practice: Every Monday
Friday & 2nd Saturday evening by 6:00pm
Football Team Practice: Every Saturday morning at the School Field