The Young Christian Workers Movement

YCW is a movement from young people, for young people and by young people. Founded in 1925 in Belgium by a Catholic Priest Cardinal Joseph Cadjin to cater for their moral and spiritual needs. The Movement has an International Secretariat in Rome with over 120 affiliate national bodies. Though the movement is dominantly Christian based, Muslim members have gained membership in countries like Senegal, etc.

OUR VISION: The Young Christian Workers wants a world where young people make a difference, in fact are the difference, to enable the transformation needed in order for everyone live a life of dignity, worthy of the Creator.

OUR MISSION: The basics thrust of the Movement is to awaken the moral consciousness of workers in order to transform them into efficient agents of change in their work environment and society.

STATEMENT OF ACTION: Our statement of action is to call people out of isolation into small groups where they come to know their true worth and dignity. It recognises that young people are the experts of their own reality and are often the best-placed people to be the means of transformation in their own lives. Through a process of enquiry , reflection and action (See, Judge, Act, ROL), they grow as Christian leaders, serving, educating, socialising and representing other young people. We are fully established in Nigeria with over 90 centres from 15 Deaneries in Lagos Archdiocese.

1. To serve as animator in Lay apostolate activities
2. To obey, respect and defend the faith/teaching of
the catholic doctrine.
3. To promote unity, peace and truth among members
and church in general.
4. Organizing Lecture, Workshop and Seminars on
issues affecting the Youth, the Church and the
Society at Large.
5. To render spiritual, moral and financial help to
member and the church.
6. Publishing and sponsoring Books, Magazine &
programme that will promote spiritual, educational,
political, social and economic awareness.
7. To engage in any venture which may enhance the
status of the YCW Lagos.
8. To be a real school of social, moral and spiritual life,
responding to the problems that arise in the life of
young workers and which prepares them for their
present and future responsibilities.
9. To affiliate with International Young Christian
Workers in Rome, The National Movement of Young
Christian Worker, The Lagos Archdiocesan Laity
Council and other Non-governmental movement,
Nigeria Lab our Congress and Ministry of Youth and
Social development.


OUR SLOGAN: YCW, The Difference is U!