Retrospectively, JDPC was planted in St. Peter’s Catholic Church, Ejigbo, Lagos by a brother who has hitherto relocated to his Residence in Imo State for greener pastures about the first quarter of 2003.

In 2005, he approached me on the mechanism of the JDPC which I animated him having been with JDPC in my former parish – SS. Mulumba & David Catholic Church, Lawansoon, Surulere, Lagos – and declined to be a member for personal reasons. However, I was recalled back to JDPC through his persistent visitation supposedly predicated on the pieces of information fed him at the Archdiocesan Secretariat, of my experience in JDPC matters in 2007. And having successfully landed this laudable structure (JDPC) on my hands, he went into oblivion; only to hear from parishioners that he has relocated to Imo State for good.

Then, we have attempted to stabilize this prestigious structure of the Church with much difficulty because the nature of the parish is such that does not give much credence to knowledge animation, and other matters that relates to social teachings of the Church and development of the psych.


Justice, Development, and Peace Commission (JDPC) is a Catholic, but non-governmental Organization (NGO) which in the spirit of the Gospel and Mission of the Church seeks to respond to the basic needs of man in human society. The Catholic Church through this Commission is involved in bringing the kingdom of God on earth by caring for the oppressed, the weak in the society, providing shelter for the homeless, hope for those without hope, food for the hungry, and so forth.

The Lord Jesus Christ came that we may have life and have it more abundantly (Jn.10:10). It is indeed the social ministry of the Church. This Commission therefore in imitation of Christ seeks to fulfil this injunction to the fullest by providing for the needs of the “whole man” in his concrete life situation as against one dimensional spiritual need of souls; thereby affording him the opportunity to live to the fullest (spiritual and material).

Furthermore, this Commission is a response to the call of the Vatican Fathers that the entire Church should “consider the signs of the times and translate them in the light of the Gospel” (“Aggionamento”); hence, the JDPC exists in all the Dioceses in Nigeria and has an Episcopal Commission with an office in the Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria, within the Department of Church and Society.

This is achieved through the following Departments:
(a) Prison, Human Rights & Legal Aids
Visit prisons and secure bail for inmates, organize donation in cash and foodstuff to prisoners, protect the rights of people and also provide free legal representation, where applicable, in all areas of the law.

(b) Health & Women Empowerment
Assisting the poor to have access to good health-care services, empowering the women economically, politically and socially, and also ensure the welfare of the aged.

(c) Communication & Education
Organizing enlightenment programmes to sensitize the people on topical issues affecting their day-day lives, and placement of jobless parishioners of all categories.

(d) Human Development Programmes

  • Leadership Training;
  • Promote Catholic Social Teachings through Seminars and Workshops;
  • Improving quality of lives through Agricultural activities;
  • To identify unjust structures and take corrective actions;
  • Collaborate with other human development bodies and NGO’s, etc.


JDPC membership cuts across religions and ethnic barriers: this means that her membership and services she provides are not restricted to Catholics alone.
Support JDPC in cash for execution of afore-mentioned laudable deals aimed at improving the dignity of the human person or in kind by donating materials and foodstuffs to JDPC through the parish priest or his appointed representative.
The primary challenges facing the parish JDPC bothers on funding, and lack of moral support from the clergy.


(1) Onyejiuwa, I. Patrick- Coordinator 1
(2) Onagagamue, Patience (Mrs.) Coordinator 2
(3) Nemoga, T. M.(Prof.) Gen. Secretary
(4) Ekpe, Hilary P.R.O
(5) Nwagbo, Patrick Welfare
(6) Egbuniwe, Julius (Elder) Member/Utility

MEETING DATE: 1st Sunday each month after 2nd Mass

SLOGAN: Onward to God’s Kingdom! Through Justice and Peace!


Tel: 09095162666, 08078054600
E-mail: jdpcstpeterejigbo@yahoo.com